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Hi! I'm Rose

I had a shitty childhood – I just didn’t know it until I burned out at work in my early 30’s and started therapy.

My therapist wanted to know: “Why DO you push yourself so hard? Why do you work SO many overtime hours?”

The answer that popped out of my mouth surprised me >>> “I want to prove I’m worth the space I take up in the world.”

Speaking this previously-unconscious thought was the beginning of something for me. It was the beginning of reclaiming my SELF.

Over the weeks of therapy, Sandra, my therapist, revealed to me that the abuse I suffered as a child was extreme. My childhood experiences left me without much of what I needed.

What I needed was to know I was worth the space I took up in the world, to know I didn’t have to earn my value and worth because I already HAD it.

Also during those weeks in therapy I found out I was pregnant with my first child.

Becoming a mom magnified ALL of my insecurities. It started triggering UNSHED TEARS and UNEXPRESSED ANGER, and I had 2 CHOICES… Fall into the abyss of repeating what my parents had done to me, or pull it together and learn new ways of relating - especially within in a family.

Something else I really, REALLY needed was to redefine my understanding of the word “MOTHER”

Knowing I WANTED to parent differently than my parents did was the first step, but it wasn’t enough. I needed tools and I needed new thoughts about what it meant to be a mom.

I will forever be grateful that I stumbled upon Language of Listening® It was everything I thought I needed and a hundred times more >>> Not only did it allow me to become the mom I always wanted to be, it also allowed me to re-parent myself, filling in the voids left from my own childhood. And that allowed me to reclaim my SELF – I feel like I am my own now.

Mama, as an Authorized Language of Listening® coach, I specialize in helping women who had shitty childhoods. I’ve been there, worked through the insecurities and used Language of Listening’s EASY tools to parent and re-parent in ways that WORK.

>>> If you are ready to LOVE the way you parent

>>>If you are ready to redefine your role as MOTHER

>>>If you are ready to reclaim your very SELF.



To get started on a new experience in parenting read this Language of Listening® book by founder Sandra Blackard for FREE here:



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© 2019 - 2023 by Rosemary Clark. All rights reserved.

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